----------------------------------- P E N Y A M B U/I T A N -----------------------------------
Bandung Institute of Technology
It is a tradition in Bandung Institute of Technology that we would welcome the juniors into the family. As I am in my fourth year, this year I decided that I would just wander with my camera and in-built flash around in our gloomy arts building and document the bizarre look of what is happening in our ongoing ritual.
Camera : Canon EOS 70 D
Lens : EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM

Going down the stairs...
This year's theme for P E N Y A M B U/I T A N is The Purge, hence all the creepy masks. The night was painted red. Big motorbikes were lined up on the ramp, revving their engine loudly. People are smashing down stuff; you can hear clanking noises, chains chirping, thrown items.

A band of masks.

Loving the atmosphere.

Walking past...


Bringing in the juniors. Heads down, holding on to the next person's shoulder, becoming a long human centipede.

Tough men.

In between people.

The smokey rockers as they are waiting for the thing to start. They are tied to the balcony with their guitars, giving the building a bit more of an atmosphere.

As the night goes on, it gets even more wild. Its a mess of people.

Confused face of the crowds; a plea of help?

A hectic mess of people.

Peak of the night.
See you next time!

© Lilu Herlambang, 2017.